Hello! Your writing and some podcasts have been so inspiring - I am grateful to have connected with your work during the horrors of this year as well as sharing with my daughter who is involved in the student movement for Palestine in high school. I am a visual artist and am not sure how to post images in this forum yet. But here is a link to a series of work I made that felt a return through materials. I feel that dreaming inot a differently tuned future is a return.


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so grateful to be planting the (moon) seeds of Palestinian futures here with you all

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this piece is a (re)tu(r)ning.. that is.. a returning.. a turning.. a tuning.. and a retuning..

i pieced it together near the new moon.. thank you for the prompt to share it near the full moon, with(in) (y)our moonseeds <3


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Welcome,love ❤️ So happy you’re here xo

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